

Zac has nearly seven years of expertise in advertising and marketing. With a background in project and media management, account coordination and business development, Zac brings a diverse skill set to his role. After graduating from Louisiana State University, Zac embarked on his career at a major outdoor media vendor, where his abilities led to the creation of new roles tailored to his skills. Zac then joined a dynamic tech start-up as a business development representative, where he further developed his customer relations and strategic planning skills. 

Zac started as a SASSO Account Manager in early 2023, and is committed to helping his clients achieve their goals through thoughtful strategies and impeccable service. His approach is characterized by active listening and forging both strong professional and personal connections with his clients.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Zac has a passion for organization and enjoys helping his friends and family clean up their spaces. In his spare time, you can find him at his local pinball arcade, playing video or board games with friends or embarking on exciting trips to discover new places with his partner. 

Zac is: Most likely to be asked if he plays basketball (The answer is no).

Rebecca Wilbee
Lynn Ross
Elizabeth Kilgore
Lindsay Falgoust
Jasmine Arias
Stan Levy
Melanie du Mont
Caroline Cantrelle
Bailey Carter
Andy Gutowski
Breeze Simoneaux
Peyton Tillotson
Josh Dickerhoof
Alannie Broussard
Alexa Gutowski
Zac Dupuis
Ryan Johnson
Erica Briscoe
Katie Swetman
Sam Glatstein
Karina Goldthorp
Aliyah Andrews
Quinn Miller
Connie Edwards
Blaine Boudreaux
Kelly Duvall
Dana Zacharias
Samantha Henriques


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