

Rebecca attended The University of Louisiana at Lafayette for two years before transferring to Loyola University New Orleans, where she graduated with a major in public relations and a minor in political science. Through many years of freelance creative projects and on-site jobs, her love for always learning and improving, and her natural talent of being able to talk to just about anyone, Rebecca was quick to grow both the network and skill set needed to thrive in the world of modern media. Press relations, online community building, influencer marketing, campaign development and content creation have become her strongest of many more proven skills. 

Rebecca has worked on projects and with clients from a variety of industries including music, fashion, film, hospitality, healthcare and public figures. Although her interests are wide and her hands often in many cookie jars, she has one overall passion: growing and evolving digital presences and brand awareness. 

In her free time, she enjoys learning new creative mediums, drinking whiskey with friends, traveling, indulging in live music, and living life by the motto: “some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

Rebecca is: Most likely to be on a plane this weekend.

Peyton Tillotson
Bailey Carter
Josh Dickerhoof
Andy Gutowski
Caroline Cantrelle
Breeze Simoneaux
Lynn Ross
Elizabeth Kilgore
Jasmine Arias
Melanie du Mont
Stan Levy
Lindsay Falgoust
Rebecca Wilbee
Alannie Broussard
Ryan Johnson
Kelly Duvall
Connie Edwards
Dana Zacharias
Katie Swetman
Quinn Miller
Sam Glatstein
Samantha Henriques
Karina Goldthorp
Alexa Gutowski
Aliyah Andrews
Zac Dupuis
Blaine Boudreaux
Erica Briscoe


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